Annual Report and Accounts

Take a look back at a few highlights of our year in the Energise Me Annual Impact Report

For too long the people with the most to gain from being active have been the least likely to take part. In 2021 we brought together the voices of over 800 individuals and organisations in a new strategy for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

The We Can Be Active Strategy sets out a joint mission to inspire and support active lifestyles so we can all be active in a way that suits us.

These annual report and accounts chart our progress towards tackling the things that prevent active lifestyles.


A note from our Chief Executive, Julie Amies

It’s been another big year for the Energise Me team. We’ve grown in size, adding six new team members to support communities to be active. And we’ve grown our knowledge, embedding insight and learning into our work more and more. When there’s so much happening it’s hard to pick out the best bits, but here’s a little taste of some of the things we’ve been up to, to support the delivery of the We Can Be Active Strategy.

Our work supporting older people to be active received national recognition in the Chief Medical Officer’s annual report. Live Longer Better is a campaign to watch out for over the next few years, with so much potential to help older audiences live well.

The Hampshire School Games festival remains a highlight in our annual calendar. It’s going from strength to strength since we changed its focus to encourage inactive young people to take part. This year was the most inclusive yet, with 25% of the young people having additional needs – all able to take part in a range of fun and accessible activities.

I’m proud of how the team have used insight and taken learnings from delivering Investing in Communities into launching the Hampshire Active Health Fund. We received excellent feedback on the support that was offered during the application process. There will be even more learning to be had as we follow these projects throughout 2024.

It’s only on reflection that we realise how far our reach goes. Members of the team belong to over 50 local, regional, and national networks, and committees. It’s hard to imagine the ripples all these have, bringing together people to collaborate and advocate for physical activity and addressing inequalities.

There is of course, much more. After three years of playing our part in the We Can Be Active Strategy we’ve switched things up and presented some more of our highlights a little differently this year. We hope you enjoy it. And don’t forget, we want to hear your stories and insights too, please continue to share your wins with us.

Finally, thank you to our supporters, partners and funders for their advocacy and assistance in the past year.  Particular thanks go to our core funders, Sport England and the National Lottery.

View our reports


To view our charity’s up-to-date annual reports, please visit the Charity Commission website.

It includes our audited accounts, which explain where our money has come from and how we’ve spent it.

Our trustees are responsible for preparing these reports in line with the law and UK accounting standards. We publish a report in the autumn of each year.

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Our Projects

Our projects increase physical activity in Hampshire and IOW.

Championing active lifestyles

We influence policy and drive physical activity campaigns.

A man with Type 2 Diabetes dancing

Supporting those who are least active

We support young people and inactive adults to move more.

Our Partners

Helping us tackle inactivity to boost health and happiness

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