Place Change Makers in speech bubbles. Image of smiley happy people of different ages and ethnicities face the camera. Sport England Logo.

Place Change Makers Podcast

Date: 9 July 2024   Author: Energise Me

Sport England have launched their Place Change Makers podcast series and resources, shining a light on the people who are helping reach the communities that most need investment and support.

The six-episode podcast series will help listeners explore personal journeys, practical examples and challenges faced by those at the heart of this work.

Each episode focuses on a key topic and deep dives into the associated skills, mindset and behaviours that are crucial for driving change across local systems.

During the past six years Sport England and partners have worked with places across the country with some of the most disadvantaged and least active communities by connecting, collaborating and doing things differently, with the goal of helping everybody identify more with ways of being physically active and the many benefits of moving more.

This has been an important learning experience that has shown that although approaches and outcomes may differ from place to place, what is consistent is the importance and value of the people doing the work.

Here’s what you’ll learn in each episode:

Episode One: People Make The Difference

Hackney and Sheffield Place Partners explore the evolution of mindsets, values and behaviours crucial for systemic change from places that are putting it into practice.
Listen to this episode

Episode Two: Building Capacity

Southall and Leeds Place Partners deep dive into capacity-building within communities, focusing on leadership development and community empowerment by sharing real stories and methods that drive successful systemic change.
Listen to this episode

Episode Three: Being A Humble Leader

Greater Manchester and Doncaster Place Partners analyse the meaning of leadership within the context of place-based systemic working. They consider the essential leadership skills and behaviours from people involved in leading and building capacity for leadership within their place.
Listen to this episode

Episode Four: Building Meaningful Relationships

Devon, South Tees and Calderdale Place Partners examine the dynamics and successes behind impactful collaborations – from forging partnerships and navigating partnership dynamics to sustaining meaningful relationships in systemic initiatives.
Listen to this episode

Episode Five: The Power of Reflective Practice

Pennine Lancashire, Durham and Bradford Place Partners look at what reflective practice means and its importance in driving systemic change through stories of reflection and impact on continuous improvement, and discussion of the values, skills and behaviours that enable it to become embedded in everyday practice.
Listen to this episode

Episode Six: Workforce Matters

Withernsea and Pennine Lancashire Place Partners explore innovative methods and approaches to recruitment, exploration of hosting arrangements, and the importance of building team cohesion and sustainability.
Listen to this episode



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