Good Reads

Diverse and Inclusive yoga class

Introducing our Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan

Published: 2 November 2021

Energise Me strives to ensure everyone has the confidence, support, and opportunity to be active on their own terms. To achieve this, we need a diverse and knowledgeable team that is dedicated to making physical activity and sport accessible to all.

Returning to the gym after a year of lockdowns

Published: 28 October 2021

Although we have been out of lockdown for a little while now, it's ok to still have nerves about returning to life as it was before COVID. For Sam, returning to the gym has been something she has put off doing due to fear.

Learning to love myself through basketball

Published: 17 August 2021

Growing up Patricya was aware of being different. She was a tall tomboy and felt she stood out playing netball. After seeing how inclusive basketball teams are, she realised it was the sport for her.

Finding a community through gentle exercise after surgery

Published: 5 August 2021

Gloria shares how having a knee operation led to her start gentle exercise at Active Nation. She has found a sense of community and camaraderie that has kept her going through the loss of her husband.

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