Good Reads

Boosting confidence with Bikeability

Published: 13 May 2021

Completing a Bikeabilty course helped 9 year-old Noah grow his confidence and love of cycling. So much so that he started BMX biking which has helped him feel in control of his bike.

Ava skating on a homemade ice rink in her garden during lockdown

Thinking outside the rink: figure skating during lockdown.

Published: 6 May 2021

For many athletes, lockdown meant saying goodbye to their training plan and a potential long break from their loved sport. Ava, a 12-year-old figure skater from Hampshire, got inventive to keep her training going off the rink.

Teaching and keeping active in lockdown

Published: 21 April 2021

The last year has been hard for us all. Teachers have had it particularly hard having to adapt to lessons on zoom and being in and out of school. For Stephanie, exercise has been a great stress reliever during this difficult time.

Georgia celebrating completing 27 miles after over coming her running anxiety.

Getting out of my head and into my running shoes

Published: 8 April 2021

Georgia had sworn off running for life. Fear and anxiety around running meant she avoided it at all cost. Yet this March she challenged herself to run 27 miles for charity.

Chantelle and her mum on a tandem bike at Cycles4All

Investing in Communities project supports Cycles4All

Published: 22 March 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an adverse effect on those living with disabilities. Many projects that support this community have struggled to keep going. Through our Investing in Communities project we were able to support Cycles4All.

Walk and Talk Romsey launched to support new mums

Published: 10 March 2021

Being a new mum can be a challenging and sometimes lonely time.  This has been made worse for many by COVID-19 and the three lockdowns. We've partnered with local GP's and NCT to launch Walk and Talk Romsey to help support new mums.

Adapted PE during COVID

Hampshire schools adapt PE during COVID-19

Published: 4 March 2021

When schools returned in September 2020, many wondered how PE, Physical Activity and School Sport would be able to continue. Changing, shared equipment, pupils’ loss of fitness and maintaining social distance were all challenges that needed facing.

Helen and Evie on a couch to 5k run

Taking on Couch to 5k with my daughter

Published: 3 March 2021

After struggling to keep up their usual active routines in lockdown, Helen and her daughter decided to take on a challenge together. They shared how they found supporting each other through the Couch to 5k.

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