A group of older people taking part in chair based exercise in a care envrionment.

Top Tips for your Hampshire Active Health Programme Application

Date: 30 November 2023   Author: Energise Me

If you missed one of our Hampshire Active Health Programme collaboration events, don’t worry! We’ve put together some handy tips and links delivered by the Energise Me team to help develop your application. We’ve also got you covered with answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Remember – final application forms must be with us by Wednesday 20th December. You can find all the details on the Hampshire Active Health Programme webpage


Tell us what’s informing your idea!

A great application will be backed up with evidence. Whilst the use of data and research is important to make sure you’re serving a priority audience; we also encourage you to use the voices of your local community members to support to your application. We want you to tell us a story, which includes their input from the very beginning.

You don’t have to be a data expert to evidence your application. Here are some public, free to access tools, which you may find useful based on the priority groups for the fund.


Community Engagement

We’ll want to see how you have actively engaged the people your project is designed to help. This may form a part of your evidence base, or it could help you in designing your service. By including your community you’ll see benefits such as better participation numbers, a sense of community ownership and improved community wellbeing. All these benefits will widen the impact of your project.

But what do we mean by community engagement? We’ve categorised it into the following types:

  • Consultation
  • Co-design
  • Participation

If you’re just getting started on your community engagement journey, these are some great free resources to help you. Whilst some may be focused toward young people, they can definitely be adapted for use with adult groups.



Often a tricky subject, we had great discussions about what sustainability means for projects funded by the Hampshire Active Health Programme. Every organisation will be different, but we’ll want to understand how your project is going to benefit the community or organisation beyond the period of funding.

Here’s some of the highlights to help get you started thinking about sustainability.

  • Workforce- are you upskilling your team.
  • Learning – how can you take the learning forward.
  • Funding – will this help with future funding, or can you create new streams.
  • Reputation – is there a chance to build credibility or trust?
  • Participant activity levels – motivation to continue.
  • Participant feeling or education– social connections, wider wellbeing.
  • Exit routes – how will you exit the project sustainably


There are some measures and data that we’ll need you to collect as part of the evaluation. These should be built into your objectives and planning from the outset. These include participation numbers, and demographic information based on the priority group you are helping.

We’ll also be bringing the support of expert measurement and learning partners. We want to understand what hasn’t worked as much as what has. We will be providing collaboration sessions throughout so learning can be shared amongst all groups receiving the funding. Have a think about other information you could be collecting to help us demonstrate impact and compose a story of change.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I find out if I’ve been successful?

The panel are reviewing applications every two weeks, so the sooner an application is in, the sooner you’ll find out if you’ve been successful. There will be a pause over the Christmas break, with later applications likely being reviewed in January.

Can you put in more than one application?

Yes, although these would need to be significantly different from each other and be targeting different priority groups.

Will partnering affect applications?

It will not affect the application. We are actively encouraging collaboration, and you can be a partner on more than one application. You will need to decide on a lead applicant for the bid.

What happens if we’re working close to a boundary of a priority place?

We’d recommend that you capture details of your participants where possible to make sure your help is being targeted to your priority audience. It is OK to say no and turn some people away if the project is not designed for them.

Is the expectation that community engagement is required ahead of the bid?

You could include this as part of your bid, you’ll need to set out what you intend to do and demonstrate there is still enough time to deliver the project.

Can we use the grant to commission another organisation to evaluate our project?

No, we already have a brilliant external evaluation team for the whole programme and we will be supporting you with tools and templates along the way, so you don’t need to spend any of your award on external evaluation. You can, of course, include time for your team to gather feedback and learning from your participants. 

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