Yoga Toolkit Supports Older Adults To Get Active

Date: 18 September 2024   Author: Energise Me

One local programme, Yoga4Health, supported older adults to make lifestyle changes through an individualised ‘yoga toolkit’. Programme Teacher, Anju, is now sharing how she helped participants experience the benefits of an active life.

What Is Yoga4Health?

Yoga4Health is a ten-week programme designed to help people at risk of chronic health issues adopt a healthier lifestyle. It’s a social prescribing programme that focuses on well-being through gentle, accessible yoga. Fusing the wisdom of ancient yoga practices with our understanding of what people need today.

It was originally commissioned by the NHS and created by the Yoga in Healthcare Alliance in London. And now we’ve brought it to Hampshire!

What Do Sessions Include?

Each two-hour class I run includes breathing exercises, yoga postures, and meditation. All of which can be done seated so that it’s adaptable to everyone’s abilities. Throughout the programme, I provide helpful resources such as a student manual, a chart with the sequences practiced during class and weblinks to online yoga videos. So that participants can continue practicing yoga between classes and after the course has ended.

I am available to support the participants throughout the duration of the programme. They can email anytime and I keep aside a two hour slot each week to take their calls.

The classes also offer a great chance to connect with others, as participants are encouraged to chat and share experiences at the end of each session.

I looked forward to every week and enjoyed meeting everyone – it was the only time I really socialised.

– Anonymous Yoga4Health Participant

The Power of Physical Activity

During the COVID-19 lockdown, feelings of loneliness and social anxiety increased for many, especially older adults. The Yoga4Health programme provides people with the opportunity to leave their homes and make social connections while moving their bodies.

Many participants reported an improvement in:

  • ability to relax their body and mind
  • personal resilience to cope with life
  • feelings of closeness to other people

I was so happy to hear that some participants said they planned to keep up their yoga practice using the resources provided to them after the Yoga4Health programme ended, and were even interested in joining another local class! So, it’s a brilliant entryway to an active life.

Meeting other people knowing they had similar problems to mine improved my loneliness. I felt I was doing something positive to help myself. It was a lovely idea to have refreshments for us – it all added to the feeling of being welcomed and cared for.

– Anonymous Yoga4Health Participant

Bringing It All Together

So, how did we create an environment that could engage participants and help them thrive?

1. Collaboration

Sharing expertise between partners was an important part in creating a programme that worked for the needs of our intended audience. We worked with Winchester City GP Practices, St Johns Hand-in-Hand project, and the Winchester Wellbeing Service (Solent Mind) to ensure that the protocol was accessible to vulnerable, older adults living in deprivation or social isolation. Those different experiences, advice and opinions helped to shape the programme into something we’re proud of.

2. Personalisation

Another branch that makes this pathway successful is that a Yoga4Health teacher assesses each referred or signposted individual to understand their readiness to participate in the course. By considering an individual’s specific health needs, we can make it much more tailored for what will help them.

3. Communication

Similarly, when we were recruiting participants, we were aware many older adults were not proficient in digital literacy so made sure our methods of communications were right for our audience.

This programme has helped me during a particularly stressful time of my life; the breathing practice has helped to calm me down and to improve my focus. I have a more positive attitude for the future as I feel more relaxed in body and mind and have less social anxiety.

– Anonymous Yoga4Health Participant

Lessons Along The Way

Whilst the selected venue was accessible, for those with mobility issues or those who lived further away, the location was not. One participant said her mobility issues meant that she had to drop the course as she had to take two buses just to get there. When she took the taxi back home, it cost her £25! So, next time I will consider the local travel routes.

We also learnt to be adaptable. We reduced the exercise part of the session from 75 minutes to 50 minutes as participants were visibly tired and this offered just the right amount of movement for them. This is what is so wonderful about the Yoga4Health programme, we can adapt it to meet the specific needs of our audience.

Top Tip

At the end of the course, all participants were signposted to other local activities such as chair-based Pilates, Yoga, Keep-Fit etc. so they could continue to be active. It was important to us that this programme had a sustainable impact in people’s lives, and I think participants found this helpful. At least three participants have continued the chair yoga classes I run in the local community!

So, one tip is definitely to consider the ‘what next’ for people who have trusted you with their health and active journey.

Get Involved!

If you or someone you know would benefit from this programme, the next round is happening soon!

Dates:         Fridays, 20th Sept to 6th Dec 2024 (no class 25th October and 1st November.)

Time:          3:30 – 5:30 PM

Venue:        Weeke Community Centre, Taplings Rd, SO22 6HG

Cost:           Free for eligible patients or community members

Self-refer by contacting your local Yoga4Health teacher, Anju Odam:

T: 07582090137


Similarly, if you are a Programme Leader interested in learning more about Yoga4Health, please contact Anju.

About Anju

I am passionate about yoga and have been practicing it for over 40 years. With 13 years of yoga teaching experience, I have a diploma in Dru Yoga Therapy from Dru UK, and a yoga alliance certificate with Mind Body Zone, California, USA. Additionally, I have qualifications to teach yoga to older adults from Kripalu, MA, USA.

More recently, I trained with the Yoga in Healthcare Alliance (UK) to teach the Yoga4Health social prescribing programme within the NHS and the community. I teach yoga across various venues in and around the Winchester area.

Prior to teaching yoga, I have a professional background in health promotion. I have worked for the NHS, the not-for-profit sector, academia and within the corporate environment. All focused on delivering wellness initiatives to diverse groups in a range of settings.

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